Growing up sucks balls.

Jul 25, 2006 18:59

Wow, I haven't existed lately. From the Thursday I got back (7/20) until this coming Friday (7/28) I will have put in almost 60 hours at work. Whew. I recently found out yesterday that if I do over 40 hours in one pay week I get pay and 1/2 for every hour over 40. I'm not sure how the weeks are spaced out, though. If they are from Friday to Friday I will be wicked excited to accept the extra cash.

Speaking of things I need cash for, I have been flipping out about getting an apartment in Noho next summer. Not so much because of the apartment itself, but because this is probably the last summer/long period of time I will ever spend on Long Island. What that means is I'm really growing up and moving out and it's scaring the shit out of me. I probably shouldn't worry about this yet, but I keep thinking how this will be the last period of time where this room I spend all my time in is really my room. All my memorabilia from primary school through high school is stashed away in little nooks and crannies of this place and I know every inch of it like the back of my hand. Pretty soon I won't really live here anymore, already kind of don't as I'm gone most of the year. However much I know Long Island is not the place for me, a little part of my heart goes out to it and the idea of leaving is a bittersweet sensation. Nostalgia is a bitch. It's weird to think that just as I am reminiscing over my first few years of high school now, I will be reminiscing over "those days on Long Island where I grew up." I feel like a shitty coming-of-age movie, man. Lately I've been feeling the coming-of-age more than ever. Sadly, it's causing me to have the strong urge to watch the last season of the Wonder Years over and over and over again, hah. Does that make me pathetic? Oh well, it was a good show. I used to watch the Wonder Years and use it for my bible of how teenage life was going to be when I was in 5th grade. Now I'm almost going to be 20 and no longer a teenager, what the fuck. Five months left! Um, remind me I need to make a solid effort to get arrested or something. Seriously. Or at least do a lot of drugs and become a giant skank. Thanks.

Yes, so I need to stop flipping out hardcore about growing up and realize it's just a fact of life and not a big deal so I can stop wasting all my mental energy on it. I feel (feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel) like pretty soon everyone is going to be married and pregnant and it's going to be gross and then there will be me being all like "um, what? I'm supposed to have babies now...and a wife/husband? Ewe." Based on the only real visual of adult life I have, my parents, it seems that once people are married for awhile they stop having friends and only see them once or twice a year. That sucks, pretty much. Dear friends, don't get married, have babies and disappear, kthx. Fuck the system.

On a happier note, I went swing dancing with Hal, Clarissa, Matt, Lindsay, Jeff and a bunch of other people last Friday and it was freaking awesome. At first I felt really awkward because I had no idea how to swing dance, but then they did a quick lesson and it was cool. Going again today @ Brennan's in Hauppauge. I'm excited. I totally want to take it up at Smith now, as I remember Autumn used to go all the time or something in town, so some of you Smithies should come with me because it is F-U-N and not as awkward as it seems.

Okay, I think I'm done now. Poconos is soon and that's cool, even if I've only been home from Michigan for a week I'm ready for a vacation. Work is eating me whole, although I don't mind the monies. I didn't get out until 1 am last night and then had to wake up again at 9 today to be in there by 10. Whew. S'all good though.

My room is slowly becoming a pig sty. Yuck. My Mom keeps putting stuff in my room like towels and I'm not sure what to do with them. However, I have a nice, new external hard drive littering my floor than I am wicked excited about. In the process of loading lots of movies and TV shows onto it now, so if anyone has any requests or recommendations give me a holler.

Alright, I'm done babbling now. Off to swing!

P.S. I've temporarily jumped out of my freshmore phase and feel the need to be in it again.

swing dancing, growing up, work, nostalgia

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