St. Patrick's Day

Mar 18, 2014 00:35

Very quiet day today: I had a dental appointment this morning, one I was a bit apprehensive about, since I've had an odd taste in my mouth. Turns out it was nothing more than a side effect of my recent illness. Clean bill of dental health, and I don't go back for six months.

Spent much of the day resting, after my tumble yesterday: my left leg is pretty bruised up, so I decided it best to keep my weight off it, especially after my long walk to and from the dentist. Watched "The Quiet Man" with my mother this evening. Started reading the first of the October Daye novels by Seanan Maguire: very interesting take in faeries in an urban setting; more than one kind of faery involved and their ability to hide in plain sight. Also wrote a few ten word fics for a challenge in comment_fic: it's trickier than it sounds and that makes for some good exercise for my brain, which is still very much in recovery in the creativity department.

health concerns, holidays: st. patrick's day

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