Went to the Wilmington grand fireworks show with my dad last night -- no, their fireworks were not the fail. The fail was some funny fail came from a house two doors down from the Wilmington Town Common: right after the very end of the show, someone in the back yard was setting off some *big* fireworks, first one small volley, then another larger, and louder one. And there were police all over the place, blocking off the streets. As my dad and nine hundred other people were heading out after the show, a police officer on a bicycle came cruising past us; over his portable radio/walkie-talkie thingum came a voice saying, "I'm gonna go check that house on Merrimack Street, see what's going on there." We have a feeling the fireworks nuts got a call from the boys in blue: they might have let the first volley go, but the second one definitely constituted pushing one's luck.
Not much going on the writing front: I've got a lot of tags going in
carpe_ho_ras, which has been keeping me busy. But I really need to get cracking on the Torchwood/Junior fusion-fic thingum. I've got an idea of what happens and how, but inspiration is eluding me. I've gotta have at least 1K words done by the 25th. Thankfully, I have a short work week this week (only good thing I can say about having short weeks at work), so I hope I can get something done.
I've also signed up for an Arrow minibang, for which I've decided to write a continuation of the Torchwood/Arrow crossover that I wrote for
torchwood_fest. I got a lot of requests to continue that one, and I'd been toying with a continuation for some time. Having a challenge to write for only encourages me to actually write it.