So. Am on chapter 17 of "Eat Pray Love", which ground my gears royally. Author admits to having a depression problem and how she went off her meds for said problem. Then proceeds to blither about how depression isn't treated properly in Western countries, that rather than treat the symptoms we need to treat the cause
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As someone with clinically diagnosed major depression, I both agree and disagree. For severe cases, medication is a godsend; it brings people up to speed with the rest of the world, and into a wonderful state of normalcy. I know many people who couldn't achieve a healthy mental state without it, and I am glad we live in a country where mental health is considered a medical problem. However, I take issue with a few things.
My issue is, medication is often perscribed for people with minor cases of depression, or sudden onset depression. I recall my Psychology professor (a clinical psychologist herself) claiming that the order of treatment was pretty much this: "Find diagnosis, put the patient on medication, start treatment." Medication is not for everyone, and sometimes, there are other underlying problems (a bad marriage, a rocky home life, or being in a toxic relationship, etc.) that should be addressed first. Being put on medication sometimes only exacerbates the problem.
More importantly, once insurance gave me the boot, I had no coping strategies to help deal with that god-awful, mind-and-soul-crushing feeling of having medication suddenly ripped away from me. I really wish they had taught me how to handle it, see if it worked, and then suggested I start taking something if it didn't.
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