Didn't get as many hammered out as I wanted to, but I got a nice number posted up:
Kyo Kara Maoh!, Miko (Jennifer) Shibuya, "Congratulations, it's a girl!"
http://fic-promptly.dreamwidth.org/108234.html?thread=5090250&format=light#cmt5090250 Supernatural, Dean / or & Castiel, Dean attempts to explain snow angels
http://fic-promptly.dreamwidth.org/32854.html?thread=1404502&format=light#cmt1404502 A Song of Ice and Fire, Robb Stark, wolf dreams
http://fic-promptly.dreamwidth.org/70839.html?thread=3504311&format=light#cmt3504311 Castle, any, laminites: (n.) Those strange people who show up in the photo sections of brand-new wallets.
http://fic-promptly.dreamwidth.org/107578.html?thread=5054778&format=light#cmt5054778 Author's choice, author's choice, "Take that mistletoe down this instant!" (Yami no Matsuei, Wakaba/Tsuzuki, Hisoka/Tsuzuki)
http://fic-promptly.dreamwidth.org/26508.html?thread=1219212&format=light#cmt1219212 Supernatural, Michael, He doesn't allow himself the luxury now, but Michael loved to dive beneath the sea and stay there for hours.
http://fic-promptly.dreamwidth.org/63927.html?thread=3125175&format=light#cmt3125175 any, any, fear of reality (Inception, Eames)
http://fic-promptly.dreamwidth.org/112154.html?thread=5318938&format=light#cmt5318938 American Gods, any, Sometimes, the teacher dramatically wrote about a royal printer.
http://fic-promptly.dreamwidth.org/106480.html?thread=4974576&format=light#cmt4974576 Firefly/Serenity, Malcolm Reynolds, when he wakes up with his hand in a bucket of warm water and wet sheets, he knows the day's off to a bad start.
http://fic-promptly.dreamwidth.org/48021.html?thread=2067861&format=light#cmt2067861 Author's choice, author's choice, Ice plant - Your looks freeze me (Yami no Matsuei, Muraki/Tsuzuki)
http://fic-promptly.dreamwidth.org/111853.html?thread=5302253&format=light#cmt5302253 any, any "Mothers are all slightly insane" - J. D. Salinger, Catcher in the Rye (Yami no Matsuei, pre-series, young!Muraki)