Feb 17, 2011 11:43
Watched the director's cut version of "Dark City" on DVD last night (very nice disk: it's got it's own all new sets of behind the scenes material, thus it isn't a copy paste of the original disk), and I must say, I like this version a lot better than the original. They removed the irritating opening expository voice-over, which the studio execs made Alex Proyas add. And they also removed the over-dub on Jennifer Connelly singing. Plus some scenes are a little longer and more interesting now.
But... I noticed that this weird little phenomena that I call the Gormenghast Continuum has struck. It seems that a certain book by Mervyn Peake has this weird ability to trigger inter-textual links with everything that it comes in contact with:
Mr. Book, the semi-Alpha among the Strangers, is played by Ian Richardson, who also played Earl Sepulchrave in the BBC miniseries of the bricks. That alone is creepy, when you take Mr. Book's name into consideration of Sepulchrave's pet obsession.... There's more...
According to Alex Proyas in one of the behind the scenes documentaries, the release date of "Dark City" got pushed up because of "a little movie called Titanic". Now... Leonardo Di Caprio famously starred in "Titanic", and also played the lead in "Inception"; also, Christopher Nolan has pointed to "Dark City" as one of the forebears and inspirations for "Inception" (both share bendy urban landscapes as well as "what is real?" notions).
fandom: inception,
fandom: gormenghast,
fandom: dark city,
things i can't make up