Sep 09, 2010 17:15
Just back from a short trip to Lowell, for an appointment with my therapist, and to take care of some bank business. Also had my lunch at Dunkin Donuts: tried their new apple cider -- iced, as it was little warm to have it hot. Tasty! But I have feeling it tastes better when it's warm.
Still getting the hang of the iPad: I think the hardest part is figuring out how to hold it. Hold it in one hand and type on it with the other? Lay it in my lap and type on it two hands? If there's more spelling gaffes than usual, this is part of it. For some reason, this is causing me to type slower and make more mistakes. Plus, the spell check on Safari seems a little more sensitive than the one on FireFox.
Started watching the chunk of Supernatural season five that I missed last year (read most of it), and so far, I think "Changing Channels" is my favorite of thus season. Of course, I love anything involving the Trickster: he's a great comedic foil to the Winchester Brothers. And the Big Reveal involving said Trickster seemed less jump-the-shark than I thought it was, from just hearing about it (I won't go into detail, at the risk of spoilers): I guess it's a case of an idea being Better Than It Sounds.
lowell trips,
fandom: supernatural,