Happy Valentine's Day!!

Feb 14, 2010 17:47

To everyone on my friends list, I hope you all have a lovely day surrounded by the people you love and care for deeply, on whatever level of love: friends, family, sweethearts, buddies....

I'm in a bit of a grumpy mood (thank you, hormones. :: Glares:: ), but in spite of this, I feel well-loved by all of you: the folks who first friended me back in the Diaryland era, many of whom I met through the "A.I." fandom; the folks I've met along the way since then and now through various fandoms, the folks who joined the party this past autumn and winter via various friending memes/forums.

Just gave my folks their Valentine's presents: my dad went hoopey over the jars of pistachio nuts I gave him to replace the contents of a bag of nuts which a small mouse stole from the living room: Dad took one look at the jars and said, "Ooh, perfect! The mouse can't get into these! The nuts are all locked up!" And my mom loved the book of L.M. Montgomery stories which I'd hunted down on Amazon some weeks back (and she also found the Head-Tiltingly Strange redactions in it as hysterical and odd as I did).

Went back to the antiques store near St. Mary's in Newton: my dad was hunting for some andirons, a fire screen and some fireplace tools for our fireplace, since we've been lighting it every night lately. Poked through another shop next to it which was almost wall to wall in antiques from the Far East, including but not limited to a glass case chock full of ivory netsuke, several five foot tall vases, and what at first I thought was a kimono, but which as soon as I'd said as much to my father, I realized was a haori jacket. Baka! :: laughs::

holidays: valentines, family fun

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