Jan 24, 2010 21:37
I've mentioned that we usually go to Mass at a parish which has the pre-Vatican II Mass in Latin, plus the young pastor has revived a lot of the older traditions, such as sprinkling the congregation with holy water before Mass begins. Well, today, I was right in the line of fire during said sprinkling and I got a liberal shower over my head (fortunately covered by my black fedora) and my open missal. Even still, I got some holy water right in the eye (my right one, which is my weak eye to begin with). I'm fine, but it does hurt a little.
Also: still reading Rob Thurmann's "Deathwish", and to anyone reading this or who has read it, be sure and mark pages 188 and 189 for re-reading if you're ever having a bad day and need a lift. There is a really sweet (well, relative to the Dark and Edgy content of the series) Crowning Moment of Heartwarming on these two pages. I don't want to be too spoilery, but it involves the two of them recalling one of the bright spots in their rough childhood. Gotta love the bromance between the Leandros brothers, but these two pages just dial it up to Eleven in a good way.
fandom: cal leandros,