Mar 19, 2008 16:36
I know I begged you folks to not leave LJ because it left me feeling abandoned, but now that I hear the Marxists in charge of this dump are going to weigh the site down with what amounts to spyware, and since I had a computer destroyed by the stuff, I'm not taking any chances. I'll take part in the protest being staged on Friday, but if it doesn't get the results we need, that is the end of the line for me. I have a great, stable machine in my present comp -- it might be a PC, but it has the heart of a Mac -- and I am not taking any chances with it. I might just unplug entirely and just keep a paper journal from now on, if it comes to that. Maybe I'll photocopy pages from it and stick it in public places guerrilla-art style, just to remind the human race that I exist...
EDITED TO ADD: I recently created my own "death note"-notebook as a stress reliever in dealing with horrible people. I'm making liberal use of it as of now...
lj nonsense