So apparantly, because of the flooding, there was a sewage overflow in Lawrence and Haverill that contaminated the water supply, but somehow the rumor started that there was another spill here in town. Thus, about one this afternoon, right about the same time that the DPW decided to reopen my street, a bunch of people showed up at the store, clamoring for bottled water. The best we could manage were the 24-pack flats of 16 oz. bottles, since we were flat out of the gallon jugs, after the store got slammed yesterday and Sunday.
And my mom wanted to go to Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Will's, but when we got there, they'd cancelled it since there was water in the basement chapel where they have Exposition. And they couldn't have it upstairs, since the dumb choir was having rehearsal.
Needless to say, I managed to get the latest fanfiction/RP fiction banged together
over here on my MxO faction's messageboard. It's about the eighth post down, but it helps to read the posts above it. WARNING: Contains mild language, pain, moments of freakish humor, more pain, references to vampiric activity, *MORE* pain, mild violence and even more pain. It's also very dark, but the last post of mine ends on a lighter note.
[EDIT: Fixed horribly broken link.]