Happy First Anniversary, MxO!

Mar 23, 2006 18:02

One year ago yesterday, the MxO went live (though I didn't get my hands on a copy of the strategy guide or the software until nearly a month later, and we all know I didn't join up until I got the new comp and set it up. I think it was the very first software bundle I installed once I installed Juno and reconnected to the 'Net). I remember it happened in late March, but I don't recall knowing the exact date until just recently, though I remember feeling a little blue that I wasn't able to join in the fun (and headaches, and gleeful rampaging, and teeth-gnashing, and mission-running, and faction squabbling, and player events, and organization horn-locking, and Exile crushing, and player departures, and crew-member recruiting...) because my comp was a five year old spyware-raddled beater with nowhere the memory or hard-drive capacity needed to run it. The devs have promised that the new combat system will be going live then (and consequently, they had some rather brain-bending yet ridiculously simple instructions on what to do if you're on dial-up and you don't want to get stuck downloading the *HUGE* game patch that's coming out) and they're also promising "a patch of blue sky" for us players as part of an anniversary Live Event. But considering what can happen to you in this universe, after you've glimpsed the sky above the pall of darkness, I'm getting a bad feeling of what lies ahead... On the bright side, I'm hoping this means the Merv organization will cease to be the dartboard for everybody and their brother, at least for a few days. And on that note: to the stoopid Zionite fanboys who ./kiss spam my littie girl at hardlines, back off; not all girls who work for the Merv are sluts, notwithstanding a certain all-girl Merv faction who dress like sluts. I'm looking at *YOU*, members of "The Sirens"; thanks for giving us all a skewed image. Sieges is hoping.... well... ::Considers the email her scatter-brained scattershot is sending to the object of her desires...::

And in a odd turn of events, about one year ago today (based on my notes), Flood showed up in my headspace, though we didn't port him into DegSep until April 1st. Part of the reason I ran that by Laurie was to do something with the snarking, because he was giving me a headache. (Remind me, once I get a scanner, to post the early character design of his "shadow self", which appeared in the strategy guide: I find it amusing. He merely sneers at it.) What's really wierd is how spot-on I was playing him, months and months even before I signed up for the MxO: some of the stuff I figured out about him before hand was creepy (ie. his tendency to be a bit of a discreet ladykiller and his fondness for, er, potent potables, particulary mimosas. What really cooked my noodle was the fact that my favorite drink happens to be a [non-alcoholic] mimosa, too.). It remains to be seen if he's canonically supposed to be British or not (though three fans of the character -- yes, they do exist: they're as rare as 1913 U.S. postage stamps with upside down airplanes on them, but they exist -- figured he's Brit. One of these rare finds, the much-lamented __flood, was British himself, and I figure it takes one to spot one; he even said "Flood's definately a Brit".); if his "shadow self" ever turns up in one of the cinematics and the voice-actor is sporting a British accent, I will probably yell from the utter shock. We're still not sure about what's up with the gloves, though... time may tell. As I know him, he's since become a constant headspace companion, an unwitting internal therapist (his snarky and scathing commentary on things around me/us keeps me laughing and helps me keep things in their proper perspective) and a dearly loved and/or detested member of the DegSep family.

fandom: mxo, soulbonding, the houseparty

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