I'll start with the mundane stuff first.
Got my spring bonus check today: I always thought the Store Powers That Be gave those out closer to Easter/Passover/Julian Calender Easter/::Insert Muslim and Pagan spring holidays:: (What are they, respectively, anyway? I can never remember the names.) but I guess I must have gotten my last one when Easter came at the end of March. That sure helped things out, since I ended up having to buy dinner for my mom and I: my dad was still wrapped up with the Flower Show set up, and he wasn't able to get home early enough to help out with the usual weekly shopping. He just came home and the poor guy was wiped, but happy: the gardens that Mahoney's did came out really, really well, and from the look of things, the whole show is *BEAUTIFUL*. We're going to go see it some night next week.
And it seems we got rid of the Masked Menace lurking in there. I got woken up at the obscene hour of five in the morning by an anNOYing mouse that's set up housekeeping in the walls of my physical house. And at the same time, I could hear the sounds of a skirmish in progress among the Houseparty. Lucky for the Merv, the Masked Menace wasn't carrying silver bullets, but I really didn't enjoy having to hear a sword-fight going on in there. The Merv's werewolves managed to put the bite on the intruder, but he's tough to take down quickly. Even still, the intruder got a few good cuts in on the Merv, who had to spend the day recuperating from his injuries and the nasty fright he got. He's currently taking it easy on a sofa in his suite in the Chateau, settling his jangled neural pathways with a bottle of Merlot and a box of Godiva truffles (Yes, the Merv has a terrible sweet tooth. Why yah think he slips people The Cake? ;8^D)