Crowded Shopping Mall Therapy

Dec 21, 2005 23:02

Never thought that going to a crowded shopping mall would be weirdly therapeutic: I did a little last minute shopping today (for my dad and Mark, who unfortunately just emailled me that he won't be coming home for Christmas, but I'll hang onto his present anyway) at the Burlington Mall. You'd think that would be major sensory overload for me, especially after the extremely quiet four days I've just had, but I think it was wierdly good for me: It helped me brace myself for the UTTER AND TOTAL MADNESS that I'll have to deal with at work starting tomorrow.

And my dad found a little Frasier fir for my room. I might have explained this little custom of ours before, but I'll share the story with you new folks: A few years back, I was supposed to sing in a mini-concert of selections from Handel's "Messiah", but I came down with a dreadful, horrible case of laryngitis at the very last minute. I could barely talk, let alone sing, without sounding like Tom Waits's sister, so I had to bow out. I got very depressed after that, and my dad, to cheer me up one night as I was lying in bed, came up with a small (about three foot tall) balsam fir tree to put in my room. Even helped me put the lights on it. Since then, I've had a little tree in my room, though we always have the big one for everyone to enjoy, down in the living room, in a doorway between that and the dining room.

I've got the lights on it, I just have to dig out my ornaments and put them on. And we'll be putting the lights and ornaments on the tree downstairs tomorrow night (My folks had to go shopping tonight, plus I had dishes to wash, so that kinda cut into our time to start decorating downstairs).

I've been getting flashes of the Houseparty's Christmas preparations. Not sure where Constantine got off to (and I may not want to know), since I haven't seen him in a few days, but I have a feeling he'll be back Christmas Eve.

And I've been getting flashes all day of the Merv, Flood and Ref preparing to attend some big, fancy-shmancy Christmas party somewhere. Some bluepill bigshot apparantly was hosting a shindig in Capitol City, and the Merv was invited. For appearances' sake, he's attending it with Persephone, so I've had some bleed-through of her voice and his feelings for her (which are not pleasant to say the least...). And from what I understand, it seems that Flood is attending as Ref's date/escort, which should certainly get some tongues wagging in the City... I assure you, there's nothing going on between those two: Ref admits she had a crush on the monochromatic metrosexual, but that's all it was, a crush; and Flood is not interested in women with small children. I think we know who will be spending the night with whom... For that matter, it seems Persephone regards Ref with a certain amount of forebearance: Ref is human, and she's going to fade and age and die in a matter of fifty years or so (and thus lose the Merv's interest before that time runs out), while she (Perse) will remain unchanged and undying. "This too will pass", as it were...


christmas shopping, holidays: christmas, the houseparty

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