LOTR: The Two Towers

Sep 18, 2005 23:10

Just been re-watching LOTR II, on TV with my mother. I love the movie trilogy, but it's so long that I've been hesitant to rewatch it (That and I have yet to get the box set of the extended version: well, Christmas *is* coming...). I suspect my mother likes Gollum for some reason: She kept saying, "Hey, there's Gollum!" or something like that every time he crept into view. And Tolkien purists be damned, it's kinda fun having Gimli as the comic relief: It made my mom laugh, and considering her difficulties, it's good to hear her laugh.

((For that matter, any Tolkien purists should be forced to watch the wretched Ralph Bakshi animated clunker from the 1970s as a comparison. I remember seeing that when I was a kid, looong before I ever read anything by Tolkien, and I thought it was lame then. It just didn't sit right with me, for some reason.))

And ooh! During one of the commercial breaks, they showed the preview for "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe": That. Looks. GOOD!!!! I might even break the boycott on Disney movies (Don't ask...) to see it. ((I remember watching the old "WonderWorks" version of TLTWTW on PBS [Getcher red-hot abbreviations...] when I was in junior high school: Now, that was good for its time, except for the animatronic Aslan who kinda yawned instead of moving his mouth when he spoke, but I think the new version is gonna blow it right out of the water the way Peter Jackson's masterpiece blew Ralph Bakshi's clunker off the map.)) Somewhere in the True West, J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis are breaking out the bubbly because someone filmed their books the way they deserve to be filmed. If I could find it, there was an article online about two other attempts at film versions of LOTR, one of which Tolkien himself was to have had a hand in, but he didn't like what the screenwriter was doing to his idea of magic... I'll post the link to the article as soon as I find it.

Cecie: ::Grinning whenever Eowyn is onscreen::

Hal: ::Re: the fact that the Wargs look like hyenas:: "Hey, c'mon: hyenas ain't so bad."

Ref: "Why do Elrond's eyes remind me of Agent Smith's...?"

Flood: ::Nipped out of the room very quickly every time there were Orcs on screen, meaning he missed half the movie. We couldn't figure out why::

Constantine: ::Re: Gollum arguing with himself:: "What's that, a split personality? Possession? ...Both?"

Me: "More like possession."

the Merv: ::Who has been in First Iteration mode all weekend since he's gearing up for some SCA thing next weekend: kept critiquing the sword fighting, using obscure terms I didn't know the meaning of::

fandom: lotr, fandom: movies, the houseparty

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