Headed out early this morning for my annual check-up at Lahey Clinic: So far, so good, though I'll have to wait on the results of the blood work. My doctor has given me the green light on getting an adjustable adapter to turn my standard desk into a standing desk, not for any specific reason, as my heart is good, my blood pressure is normal and my weigh is within a reasonable range for my height and build, but standing more would simply keep everything in harmony.
I did excellently whilst having blood drawn for the blood test: I even managed to joke a little: "I hope you guys don't have to test adrenaline levels..." which made the phelbotomist chuckle. After the exams and all, I walked to the Burlington Mall, poked around a bit, including going to Build-A-Bear, where I got myself a Zecora plushie. As I told the gent who stuffed her for me, "I was a good girl and didn't squeak when I got my blood work done, so I'm rewarding myself with a new Pony!" Build-A-Bear clerk-folks tend to have really sweet personalities, but this guy moreso. He giggled when I told him my intent and told me, "Awwww, that's a perfect present for a girl who had to have blood work done."
Monday - Went in to work for an early shift, rather quiet in the store, so in between orders (and afterwards whilst having lunch), I managed to get some work done on a new story, this time a faery tale sequel for an anthology looking for faery tale sequels. My mind somehow conflated the Irish tale of the
Children of Lir with
the Six Swans of the Brothers Grimm, and so I'm writing a cross-bred tale involving the youngest son and how he adapts to life with a swan's wing in place of one arm. Hopefully I'll have this done and typed by the beginning of next week: I've got four stories due in four weeks, so I'll need all the inspiration and impetus I can manage.
Sunday - Lovely, albeit unseasonable weather today, so my dad and I decided, after Mass, to head up to the North Shore, to Hamilton, in search of a World War II tank supposedly used by General Patton, who came from that area. Quite a sight, this drab olive green behemoth parked in a park, decommissioned and sealed up, now with kids and families climbing all over it. Also did a little antiquing at a few small shops in the area, though I found nothing that particularly got my fancy.