Nov 10, 2015 02:31
For all the anthologies I have lined up, I haven't been able to write much for them. Friday, I managed to get a few hundred words done on the story for the "Bumps in the Road" collection (a few other hundred of which might wind up getting cut), but wound up spending the rest of the day running errands.
I'm honestly wondering if I should just pack it in till after Christmas. The urge to create is burning, but the sentences just aren't gelling. I've even found what RP tags I have coming out slower than I'd like to see.
Saturday was a work day: for once, I actually welcomed it, despite it falling on Saturday, at least until I saw my schedule for next week (this week). I'm slammed with hours this week, which had me feeling tired even before the week started.
Sunday was a quiet day, aside from starting to take down the jack o'lanterns in the yard. Not easy to do, and I miss them already.
Today, first day of the busy week, and I ended up on a busy register. The mad turkey parade has started already: I bagged about ten frozen turkeys: nice little big ones, about thirty pounders. And already the crabs are coming out of the woodwork; not really keen on describing it.
Another thing I won't go into: fandoms going into eat their young mode. Why do people have to take something that's supposed to be fun and turn it into yet another reason to be at each other's throats? If you want to fight, take up MMA training. It makes me not want to take part in fandom, if people have to be barky dogs.
work wackiness