I spent much of the day resting and reading the manual for the MxO software (Note to the idiotic reviewers who claimed it "doesn't give you any time to learn the game": Did you think to read the frockin' manual?! Yeesh.). There's a reason for this, besides semi-wishful thinking: As of now, I'm looking at Dell computers and trying to decide which one would be the best. Their Dimension 4700 looks like it might work.
No, DegSep'ers, I am not gonna abandon you: If/when I ever join in the bizarreness that causes headaches for some of the members of my headspace, I'll be limiting myself to gaming every other night, for an hour or two *TOPS*.
For that matter, after a long conversation with the Floodwatchman, I found out why his superior keeps roaring for the head of the Canon Casualty Creator: He claims that some of the events in the "Merv eXasperation Online" bear eerie resemblances to things that went on in the Fifth Iteration. He's been hauling some of his operatives over the coals, trying to find out who linked the information... In the meantime, the rest of us have to listen to him grumbling.
In the meantime, I managed to get myself horribly addicted to this one little Flash game on miniclip.com, "The Pharoah's Tomb", which is a tricky little maze/adventure game where you have to guide this little Indiana Jones-type explorer (whom I personally dubbed "Illinois Brown") through a maze of passages and spiky-traps and monsters, while trying to collect all the little ankhs and things which open new doors and passageways... and try to stay alive long enough to escape. It's tricky: it requires a lot of really tight keystrokes with the arrow keys. I keep getting horribly killed by the monsters, which is kinda not great for my morale. I'm afraid I never really grew up with videogames, which kinda makes me a little nervous, considering what I have on my personal agenda... I hope I don't regret this...