Aug 03, 2014 01:46
Went to work to get my schedule and... no schedule. It hadn't come in, due to problems at the main office, according to one of the supervisors, and so I'll have to go in again and see if it turned up. I'm just hoping this isn't another catch-22 from the Bored of Dumbbells: first, they order us all back to work (including those of us who went to work anyway and bloody Nothing To Do Because Customers Are Boycotting), then they don't let us have a
Also: folks from receiving at several stores had been taking photos of the shipments that have gotten through, courtesy of the replacement drivers and posting said photos to Facebook. And the loads depicted therein could not be more unfit for any self-respecting managers with a care toward customer satisfaction to accept, much less unload; it's no small wonder some of the stores have flat out refused to unload some of the shipments. They looked destroyed. Like the replacements stacked the boxes wrong and then failed to wrap the pallets properly. Or, in the manner of the "put as much stuff into the crappy thin bags as you can regardless of whether or not the bags break open" orders I got, they got told to use a bare minimum of pallet wrap in order to "save money"; I guess Arthur S. and his cronies never heard the old saying that you have to spend money in order to make money. Honest to goodness, they looked like the loaders flunked stacking blocks as a toddler, or the drivers took a detour down the Crookedest Street in San Francisco.
These people aren't just stupid, incompetent, and inefficient, I'm starting to believe they're also evil. I have had a quote from St. Augustine stuck in my head this week, to the effect that "Evil is parasitic by nature", and these morons are acting just that way: they have done nothing to improve the company, all they have done is alienate everyone from the workers to the customers and gut the company of everything it stands for. Please, pray that they have some kind of Damascus Road moment that opens their eyes to the terrible things they've done to their company and their community and ultimately to themselves, so that they have the humility to get out of the business and get themselves some help, spiritual and psychological while someone who genuinely cares about the business gets to take care of it.
Housework this afternoon, also writing fic for the quarterly fills contest on Dreamwidth's "fic_promptly": I've had nowhere the output I usually do, but I've gotten a few out there. Started re-re-reading the Gormenghast books: I find them oddly comforting for all the weirdness and on beyond eccentricity (though, if one had to choose between Gormenghast and, say, Westeros, I'd choose the Stone Lanes any day. At least the place is so huge, I could carve out a nook to live in and barely anyone would know I was there, if I could sneak food from the kitchens). Maybe because real life is so out there right not, everything pales by comparison.
work woes,
work wackiness,
fandom: gormenghast