The Day Before...

Jun 17, 2006 17:42

Well, while Sarah is still in Chicago and I'm killing time until I can hopefully trek over there to say my last good-byes, I'll update on everything that's been going on in...oh...the past 24 hours.

So I wake up yesterday morning and chat with Sarah for a few then get a text message from my brother basically stating I'm going down to Florida on Sunday (the 18th) so I can have a vacation too since things up here haven't been going too hot for me and I needed a break. Now, picture this: you wake up and one of the first things you hear is a 3 day notice that you're going down to Florida until the 30th. Yeah. I wasn't really sure what to say. I mean, he already had the ticket purchased and all so all there was to do was to go. Well, considering that Sarah is leaving the 27th to San Diego and I won't see her again until the 4th of July, I pretty much felt my heart break. So, an emotional morning all around but everything eventually settled down and we both realized there was nothing either of us could do, obviously, so it's just something to get through.

Our night went on as planned. We had a great dinner at Olive Garden and spun by Best Buy, Borders (we both got some things), and then the South Bend Chocolate Cafe. If a couple of Jones and staring into each other's eyes for the rest of the time wasn't perfect enough, we decided to go take some pictures so that we have something to look at while we're apart. A few in front of the SBCC was followed up by taking a short walk around and winding up in front of the Morris while their fountain was running and the lights were on making everything look amazing. The weather was perfect to just be outside.  We snapped a few more there and then heard a couple of BOOMS and turned around to see fireworks going off at the Cove. Perfect. So we sat down on a ledge and watched the fireworks for a good 5min then took the dreaded walk back to my car.

The 20min good-bye session was one of the hardest but once it was finally over, I started driving away when I realized that I forgot to give Sarah her CD from Borders. I kinda smiled and quickly turned around to return it (and of course there was the added bonus of seeing her for like 1 more minute!). And then the drive home...not a pleasant one.

As I sit here, I've learned that they are not staying over night in Chicago which opens up probably only 5 more minutes of seeing her before I leave. Of course there was no choice! I'll definately be there! I can't wait to hear how she did at the Chicago feis and to get the chance to hold her one last time...

Well, this may be the last time I'm able to update for a while. We'll see if my brother has his DSL hooked up and all by the time I get there. For an electronics tech in the Coast Guard, he is pretty lazy :-P I hope everyone has a great week and I look forward to seeing you all again soon. Two and a half weeks...Everything will be fine. I love you, Sarah...always will. :-*

Time to get packing.
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