
Dec 31, 2023 01:29

Escalation continues.
The downward spiral keeps on heading further down.
Consumer prices explode - and polititians behave like fools in trying to combat them.
While actually not really trying to fight them.

Winning a war, protecting the world climate, preventing an economic recession from happening, and keeping up the growth - all of this, they want to achieve at once.
While ignoring the technical (im-)possibilities to do so and, even the more, how much these targets altogether contradict themselves and cannot be unified.

Some more big names die and leave the world - like rats leaving a sinking ship?
Or just their time having run out - and it just happens at the right moment to still depart in happiness and not see how the world goes down...

Wishful thinking continues to conquer the human brains all over the world,
narrowing the corridor of their sight - fueling aggression and dogmatic thinking.
Valuing some rules or standards higher than the practice that comes attached to them - and which may require an adjustment of the rules because of their unworldly overidealistic absoluteness that no-one can truly live.

It's almost like the human behavior itself wants to say "we're too many here on this planet to be able to live as lavishly as we want to"...

survival, environment, west vs. east, culture, global, east vs. west, stupidity, system, menschen, life, reform, violence, radicalism, society, year's end, krieg, politik, lake, misanthropy, economy

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