Taking the bubble of a safe life for granted

Jan 13, 2022 20:58

Thinking deeper about it, there is a little aspect to point out which surely won’t be irrelevant to the protests against the Covid vaccinations and the conspiracy theories surrounding them all around the world - and in which, bizarrely, these have something in common with the “Fridays For Future” movement:

It’s that if a civilization reached such technological, scientific and cultural heights and masses of general means and gadgets that it starts to forget the very base it stands on.
It takes the safe bubble it created to live in as self-evident and as the original state of nature.
While actually it’s the most unnatural state of things. And you have to do something for it in order to exist.

For example: The effect of vaccines first becomes noticeable if they weren’t given anymore.
If masses of people didn’t receive them.
As vaccines against the famous diseases you can vaccinate against didn’t exist, people died way earlier than today, they died of way more trivial causes, a lot died before they got 18 years old (high rate of child mortality), and people who survived infections with either a virus or bacteria way more often carried lasting damages away from this (often: early childhood) encounter into their adult lives.
This is still the case in places on the earth where these vaccines aren’t available or too expensive for an average person to get.
So when they were invented and people realized infants as well as themselves stopped getting sick and die from those diseases after they were vaccinated, people became clear of a reason to do this for. - No more getting sick, suffering and dying from crap that can be avoided.

A huge example that people of all ages have a personal benefit from is the tetanus vaccination.
Before that, just a single scratch could lead to this type of infection, which in the end paralyzes the nerve tissue that controls muscles in the body and leads to death.
And it’s barely avoidable as the bacterium that causes it lives in nearly everything. It’s everywhere around you.

So so-called “skepticism” and active refusal and even claims like “vaccination is murder” are actually a call to fall back to these circumstances among the population.
How can anyone be so stupid to want that?
Well, the best answer to this is: Because people aren’t aware of why they can lead such a cozy life. Lack of basic education and a lot of manipulative info from sources that function no better than hocus pocus magical crap made to make money that was sold to people in the Middle Ages are to blame for this.

In common with “Fridays For Future” this state of the mind has: Also the members and agitprop activists of this movement aren’t aware of what the order they raise their claims on comes together from.
For example, they take for granted that smartphones exist, that the internet and their platforms to communicate on globally exist, that they live a life on earth where they don’t need to mind neither money nor material if they get sick of something and can simply throw it away as they please.
But all that first needed to be invented, then needs to be fabricated constantly and then needs to be maintained constantly.
Electricity isn’t produced by the wall because the wall is kind of bored and doesn’t know what to do with its time. It’s produced in a power plant, that power plant needs any type of “fuel” or gizmo that moves another gizmo, whose movement generates the electric energy in the end that they take from the wall socket at home. And that needs to be done constantly, not just whenever you want. - Or you’ll have to accept that electric energy isn’t constantly ready to use.
Means of saving energy for later aren’t invented yet, and as it it looks it will be like with rechargeable batteries: It ain’t lossless and the energy saved will vanish over time when not using it. - Unless you’d save the energy compressed in something material that you can easily store and backlog (that would be fossil fuels like coal, gas and petrol, for example).
Not to forget: A power plant producing electric energy first needs to be built in order to serve the purpose to supply you with electricity in the wall socket.

The self-evidence of the presence of the internet is another issue of that umbrella.
The internet comes together by thousands of servers (and, in a simple sense, “computers”), interconnected with each other, running 24/7 all around the year. If you think that you can only switch these on when you need them, then most of the time nobody will be able to read your crap.
Because these computers keep masses of data ready to access for whoever wants to read them at any time of the day. - All the viewers that checked your stuff in the meantime you slept, worked or were at school, they could do that because someone else keeps your data ready and accessible all the time.
If your data didn’t lie on someone else’s server, you’d have to keep your own computer plugged to the net all around the clock, even when you’re absent and not at home, or nobody could read the crap that you post and pay attention to you.

Thousands of computers running at the same time, waiting for somebody to seek a connection with them with his personal computer or cell-phone - anyone who isn’t stupid gets an idea what kind of huge effort that is to keep up every day?
The internet isn’t “simply there”, it’s a complex infrastructure, like a net of tarred roads that you can comfortably drive on, and to be “there”, it needs to be made to come into existence.
Another thing that you have to keep ready to use and cannot just switch on and off whenever you want to use it yourself. The effort made in order to keep it up has to be constantly the same at all times or it won’t work as well as you know it.

Not even to get started on the third example: Their own lifestyle and the lifestyle of the family they live in...
Their parents go to work daily, in most cases don’t share a car because they’ve got to go to two completely different places, their parents don’t work near their home but in other towns and commute, they want to make it to buy a nice house, own a big car, save money so each of their kids can have a driver’s license and an own car as soon as the kids are legally permitted to drive, want 1 or 2 family vacations each year at least - and they don’t want their kids to miss any trend in order to not be socially excluded among their peers.
Last but not least, they also try to save up money from anywhere, on top, to send their kids to university (like university wasn’t something which you have to have the brains first and you can’t tell that from the first day of a child’s life).
All that until the kids get “aware” (their “Fridays For Future”-type of getting “aware”).
Anyone of them who pointed it out to themselves how much of an ecological footprint that already is until they reach “awareness”?
And that’s not even counting their own behavior in this calculation...

Reduced and collected in a short summary that is: No, kiddo, you’re not going to save the world now by going vegan, eating meat-replacement made from soybeans, peas and wheat!
Which, by the way, doesn’t reduce your footprint very much if they actually come from Brazil, like the beef steaks you ate before. (Anyone who praises the meat-replacement products asked where the substance they’re made of comes from?)

And, talking about “recycling”, how about that you wear the clothes of your elder siblings that are still alright - like poor people do?
Or that you use a technical gadget for 10 years or more? Repair it? Tinker around with it, so it can still be of service with new technical standards? Use it until it literally falls apart?
“Learn from the poor” is the correct motto in this issue, just as a reminder, not holding big public speeches and claim whatever the heck comes to your mind from adults how they shall behave.

By the way, skipping school to march on a rally - do these kids have any idea what kind of privilege they throw away thoughtlessly for just a little stomp on the ground of their inconsistent minds?
Kids in Africa and India and whatever places on earth not as rich as the first world dream of going to school instead of having to go to work and already earn some, so the family, including them, has something to eat and doesn’t need to freeze.
School is like the key to a better life, to more life quality and to a better job - and these kids take it so much for granted that they think they can spare it!!
Not even to speak of that they seem to think school without paying hundreds of bucks for it is a world standard!
If their rallies had a connection to something that went wrong in school, but no... it’s about “pointing the adults at doing something to stop climate change”.
Like - next time they go on a strike because the pocket money is too low...

This is social relations, making a plea, not doing something for a certain objective.
And then formulating one’s plea on a pretty high niveau of prosperity. Leaving one’s own role aside, acting like one doesn’t exist and does nothing wrong, but only all other people.

...You see how both have a similarity here?
Avoiding to mind one’s own base of a living, sect-like structures that want to make everyone convert, but they have very few to really say if you check them in the details.
If you fact-check them or check for doability, you find them two live in a dreamy world made of soap bubbles. Harboring an image of the world that doesn’t correspond with the reality.

When do you encounter such phenomena?
Mostly when a civilization is almost at its end. When people forget what their life as they know it is based on and take it for granted that they can eat grapes all day long (figuratively). And, on the other hand, can afford to dive deep down into their human interactions all day long. Be busy with the “he says, she says” and what is the correct way to worship and appreciate whatever the heck.
Act like their human quarrels are the most important thing in the world, like someone is watching and only waiting to interfere and deliver them from their anger towards each other.

(Someone discovers similarities in this description too?)

survival, internet, education, manipulation, environment, nature, gesundheit, covid-19, grünismus, religion, psychology, global, stupidity, medizin, system, menschen, technology, kindheit, life, science, radicalism, poverty, society, youth, history, media, food, politik, devil in disguise, controversial, maschinen

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