The Afghanistan war of the West ends with defeat

Aug 16, 2021 14:46

As much as the Afghanistan war remained an apple of discord throughout the whole time of the 20 years the occupation of the Western troops lasted because of the shady reasons it was started with, it also simultaneously and silently became a train you couldn’t just jump off anymore and quit tomorrow.

Now with their departure, the tactical and political changes of the coming weeks and months will be a proof of that - and, at the same time, it will lay down the sad record of that the two biggest and strongest armies in modern history - the US army + its NATO associates and the Soviet Army - couldn’t rip out the root of exaggerated Islamic religion in this region and create a united country called “Afghanistan” that can claim its rank in the modern world order.
Be that that the religious extremism was just started and about to be strengthened (the Afghanistan war of the Soviet Union) or that it is a result of past foreign engagements gone wrong (the support of the US for the mujaheddin fighters in the 80s to make the Soviet Union fall; the support of the Syrian rebels, which were mostly if not entirely Islamic extremists as well, and by that helping creating the Islamic State, strengthening Islamic religious motivated terrorism and systematic violence on the whole and in the whole Middle East area) and that it outgrows one’s own powers and finances that one was originally willing to sacrifice for this endeavor (the Afghanistan war of the US and the NATO troops that were still deployed there).

It’s hard to guess how much the decay inside these big players make out a share in their respective defeat...
As a question to those two wars you can leave behind if how war itself is being led in these modern times hasn’t changed too much from the scheme of firm organized and equipped armies fighting each other on the battlefield, as it still was the case in WWII and its later offshoots around the world.

For this specific case, you can put on the record - as bitter, brutal and cynical it may sound: As long as the residents of this country who aren’t involved in religious extremism aren’t willing themselves to take a different path, to organize and do something to drive this out of their country, to rip this root of war and violence out in their society once and for all and harshly sanction it, as long as they rather flee abroad or to Europe, giving in to the order that a guerrilla army imposes on them - as long as that remains the case, this country won’t ever be peaceful and “free” again (whatever anyone wants to imagine under the term “free”).

That Afghanistan which even received a seat in the Intercosmos program and could see one of their citizens fly into space to the Mir station will be missing for a very, very long time now...

soldaten, west vs. east, religion, system, technology, strategy, violence, ereignis, radicalism, society, history, networks, krieg, politik, lake, controversial

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