
Jun 23, 2021 12:28

Now the press is in outrage because the UEFA doesn’t permit them to let the Munich Allianz arena shine in rainbow colors on one of their events...

Listen, people! On all other occasions, international sport events and associations proclaim and maintain a basic rule, which is: We are just about sports, we don’t do or interfere into politics.
And that is being practiced in order to not exclude anybody or make anybody feel miserable when participating in an international tournament.

This applies to all kinds of subjects. Whatever it is.

You can’t go and allow this one act now and later refer to that principle again if, for example, Russia or Qatar comes up with any wish for an international message that’s only to be understood in a political context.

“Principle” means: One for all or none.

And, seriously, this action which the mayor of Munich first came forth with, and the rest of the political wolf pack from Berlin now attaches itself to, stinks so much of political needling - it ain’t any bit about LBGTIAQ people!

‘Cause if it was, they wouldn’t come forth with the idea of letting a stadium or whatever building shine or be colored in rainbow colors only when the sports event involves a team from Hungary. (Whose government recently implemented a new law that is directed against homosexuality and which the core heads of the EU (Germans) are in dispute with for a long time already.)
They’d also do that if, for example, a Danish or French team was the guest. Or the whole year round!

Press, politics and whatever people who make a fuss now: You’re such fucking hypocrites, it makes one sick to look at you! Always only obsessed with harming your sworn enemy with whatever means!
Your stupid childish holier-than-thou acting (of which doesn’t even include an act that contains a real risk) damages the issue of all real unorganized LBGTIAQ people on the streets more than it uses them!

Fuck you, people!! Fuck you!!!

(By the way, one also has to annotate: LBGTIAQ existed before the invention of and will continue to exist without a rainbow flag. This flag can’t bind character, identity and individual preferences.
It’s time to put the fact on the table that you can be anything from the LBGTIAQ umbrella and, at the same time, reject the rainbow flag along with its US-coined subculture of that.)

menschen, гей, media, sports, global, politik, lake, devil in disguise, system, journalism

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