Sly kids

Apr 02, 2021 21:00

Children understand if a protection system works to their advantage against adults.
Those who grow up in misery learn to not turn to them or that they won’t be believed anyway.
But those who grow up in ordinary circumstances - they develop understanding as well as will to make that useable for them in their favor. They can downright turn into Eric ( Read more... )

bureaucracy, menschen, life, kindheit, education, self development, violence, society, youth, psychology, system

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mexpatriot April 2 2021, 20:45:31 UTC
Eric Cartman is my hero!

... )


matrixmann April 2 2021, 22:36:47 UTC
Fun to look at, but I think unbearable to be with in the reality...


mexpatriot April 2 2021, 23:13:36 UTC
I've been teaching an 11-year-old patient how to use emotional blackmail to get his parents to do things that he wants. Cartman is the model. :)


matrixmann April 2 2021, 23:36:16 UTC
Why would you do that?


mexpatriot April 2 2021, 23:38:04 UTC
Mexican kids are too blindly obedient to their parents.


matrixmann April 2 2021, 23:55:59 UTC
Do you have any idea why this is so?


mexpatriot April 3 2021, 00:29:40 UTC
It's all wrapped up in the culture. Very Catholic. Very conformist. "Patriarchy." And the mothers and grandmothers (who probably live in the same house) teach the boys to be machos. Men will not speak against women because "they could be mothers!" Things like this.


matrixmann April 3 2021, 02:17:15 UTC
Sounds basically a bit like the classic Italian upbringing. No fathers present, and mothers and grandmothers overproportionally present during upbringing...
And then people become wondering why the men who grew up under that rule are so demanding towards women as well as dependent on them like children. Incapable of living on their own.


mexpatriot April 5 2021, 00:56:39 UTC
Yes. That's a pretty accurate description.


matrixmann April 5 2021, 02:02:30 UTC
Experienced it yourself? (If I'm allowed to ask.)


mexpatriot April 5 2021, 02:32:16 UTC
No, not at all my experience growing up. These are just my observations of the Mexicans.


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