Partners, not enemies

Nov 05, 2019 10:33

Perhaps a controversial thing to say these days, regarding all the abuse of power and one’s position that takes place, but it should be noted unconditionally:

Be solidary with your cops which are fair to the people, which behave competent and try to help as best as they can - which take their job serious.
Don’t go blanket down on them and beat them up. They’re people too, they have families too.
They also get exploited of their time and health by being employed in too small numbers and getting called to guard a demonstration or a soccer game every few weekends, much too often than is good for them and their lives, never making it to take their time off for the overtime they worked throughout the year.
So... as long as you’re not facing an individual which tries to achieve his promotion through you, or which intentionally behaves like an asshole to you, be kind to them and don’t blame them for failures and errors which actually politicians are responsible for.
In case of need or danger, rather regard them as your potential allies - as people to work together with to make the good things happen.

menschen, life, soldaten, violence, sports, psychology, politik, controversial, system

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