A new craze / worry

Nov 03, 2018 23:56

Lately microplastics have become a hot topic in the section of "environmental pollution caused by humans".

Well, let's put this short and straight: If anyone was so concerned about this being around everywhere, get the fuck down to ask yourself who introduced this wide range of plastic materials anyway? It didn't drop from the sky, neither was it there from one to the other day out of the blue. Someone made it so that it's there where it is today.
And, just like always there have been early indications for nearly everything that something "man" thinks of it is handy, but actually it's harmful, don't say that this hasn't been known before! Don't say this is something new!
The warning voices have only been silenced or bought by whoever made profit from the plastics.

technology, menschen, science, manipulation, environment, nature, gesundheit, networks, devil in disguise, controversial, economy, system, non-state forces

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