Turmoil and Cold War for Easter

Mar 28, 2018 13:10

The world already practices very hard again how to be illogical and how to escalate things from void of one's own principles:

Some elected head of his regional state gets caught by the police in Germany because the main state searches for him because of a referendum for separation that the people agreed on formally in elections - various states ( Read more... )

deutsch, entertainment, europe, networks, europäische union, media, krieg, stupidity, politik, devil in disguise, controversial, system

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maadmike March 28 2018, 18:00:29 UTC
This case with Scripal killing shows well how the ruling class governs the common people. When they will like they start war with a crackling of fingers - the moral, rules, democracy all these abstracts are for mindless workers, the lie, manipulation, intimidation the real features of ruling fellas.
Btw, our chemical weaponry specialist has addressed recently on our TV that the Western agencies had at nineties the formula of a substance which presumably was used in killing Skripal and daughter and even publicized it at their documents and not strangely deleted it after but again nobody is interested in real investigation or truth. The masses are much more easily controlled than one man...


matrixmann March 28 2018, 22:16:27 UTC
I'm also acquainted with that thinking: If British authorities can tell you so surely which agent he was poisoned with, then also their own capacities must contain a sample of this stuff.
And when you already got a sample, well, then you can also mix it together yourself, you know what it is made of (maybe not the exact recipe, but you know which substances you have to put together).
So then - what about that stupid talking "it can only come from Russia!"?
Needless to say, "from Soviet production"... Yeah, and during the 90s there wasn't so much of the silverware and everything and nothing sold from the former Soviet empire to anywhere and nowhere in the world? Everything and nothing that was valuable wasn't plundered and sold throughout the world by the new not-Soviet leaders?
This fucking stuff can even be 30 years old and sold through some smart ass from Ukraine.


maadmike March 28 2018, 23:08:18 UTC
After second attempt UK authorities had told the substance they are thinking was used and our expert has showed the precise formula of this substance publicized at USA official documents through the Internet decades ago, so yes it could be anybody using it nowadays but the reaction of UK telling who is to blame without any open information and any proper investigation makes it obvious who stands behind this act of killing not only our former agent but the citizen of Russia as well… It is interesting how ruthless UK is using this provocation to draw EU which is the UK is no more a part of, to draw EU from normal productive relations with Russia. UK is playing long thought game and all the steps are long on their do-page, I am certain. This case is one of the puzzle to cut Russia out of the EU oil market, to not give Russia an opportunity to earn money to strengthen its economic and military positions ( ... )


matrixmann March 29 2018, 00:00:30 UTC
Aha, now that's a nice info to know ( ... )


maadmike March 29 2018, 05:19:29 UTC
Yes, the other aspect is that the West allies are not waiting longer and do all fast this means that people in power are hurriedly preparing for something more harmful than the cutting Russia out of EU market. Maybe it is the knowledge of soon dollar dropping, maybe something else pushes them to the dangerous decision to play with Russia. Here in Russia our experts are saying that the UK wishes to use this provocation only to rip our Russian oligarchs which had stolen the Russian dirty money to the “safe” bay at UK to soften the Brexit divorce, others are talking that it is a long play to destroy Russia economically. I hope it is so, because it is certainly useless to try to destroy Russia with any sanctions and I am afraid only of new military provocations like it was at Turkey which could force Russia for military actions. It is interesting to look on this matter from USA side - like they are counting what will be more expensive a war at South Korea or a war with Russia. They are not losing much with a war which involved Russia but ( ... )


matrixmann March 29 2018, 20:55:33 UTC
Well, you can bet your ass on that it all is supposed to serve some special purpose... Only question often is: Exactly what? That's not always hard to tell.
Trying to get anything done about the Brexit indeed is a very strong suspicion for the UK's case, as all that you hear about their negotiations is like some students which always come to school without their homework. Empty threads, a whole lot of hot air ejected and nothing getting further to realistically do an exit from the EU ( ... )


maadmike March 29 2018, 21:57:54 UTC
Yes, surprisingly Austria has called for logic recently in case of poisoning our former and not citizens and told it felt a pressure from EU members to do as all did - to expel Russian diplomats. Sheeps are making noises - "What the fuck the logic you are talking about? The unity! The Democracy! The freedom! These are our landmarks!" ;)


matrixmann March 29 2018, 23:47:51 UTC
"Unity", haha... This union's been without unity for long already...
...Also because of a good bunch of political decisions which obviously don't follow logic.

Let's say - things are pointing at that another shot against Russia had been planned all along again already. Question only is: From which direction comes the smell of the fish. Who seems more like the original perpetrator in this?
Well, this will reveal itself with the time passing. Along with the course of the process.


maadmike March 30 2018, 03:51:23 UTC
“Question only is: From which direction comes the smell of the fish. Who seems more like the original perpetrator in this?
Well, this will reveal itself with the time passing. Along with the course of the process.”
Here you know thanks to the forced world globalization it could be any side involved in a global economy and strong enough to play in such games - it possible to think that it could be even China if to follow a logic it could benefit from destroying the trade between Russia and UK to force Russia to sell more and cheaper but to take in account the multiplicity of killing of Russian rich expats and the swiftness of reaction of UK authorities to blame Russia without any proper investigation indicates on USA or UK intelligence agencies for sure.
As it was told multiple times on our TV - “Russia has only two allies - Russian army and fleet and history proved this saying many times.


matrixmann March 30 2018, 16:57:00 UTC
Only thing that prevents you from thinking it's some certain parties behind it is: "Doing such kind of things isn't their kind of style. They got better methods to effect the same outcome that one could suspect from a dirty way like this."
So that puts the turn back to those fractions which are not in this favorable position... Who "would really need it", if he wanted to cause a certain effect 'cause there wouldn't be many more ways to none to achieve this.


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