Grub from the factory

Feb 13, 2018 13:12

Trying to do healthy nutrition with eating tofu meat analogue as cold cuts?
Well, just take a look at your ingredient list. Lots of stuff in there (like in the regular product) that should make you worried over your weight and metabolism...

menschen, manipulation, networks, gesundheit, food, devil in disguise, economy, system

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matrixmann February 17 2018, 17:28:37 UTC
For a while, I've been like studying ingredients lists of food products just to gather information for either self-cooking and for the sake of knowing in the point of "eating healthier" (because I have reason to do so).
And through doing that, I gain a lot of conclusions and recognitions about all that.
Actually you don't even need much knowledge in chemistry or biology, just some mere basic memories from your chemistry classes at school about hydrocarbons and stuff that had to do with it.
And through that, I just come to conclusions like "if I have to prepare something chemically, so that the protein (or whatever-the-fuck-else) just becomes a fiber, which I can use then to create an analogous product of the common ware, then what the heck shall be so healthy about it? More chemicals and treatments on the food always mean less healthy, distance to nature... 'Cause I'm gonna eat some of that shit along with it.".
Really, I'm not an expert on bio-chemistry, I just use what my brain contains from earlier times, and that already makes me not be convinced of that stuff. Without talking about taste, that it maybe can't taste like anything or so. (That often is no problem.)


onb2017 February 17 2018, 17:32:10 UTC
Oh yeah, people forget that after it is processed it is no longer the same chemical structure. Like I know you can make plastic out of milk. But it does not make this plastic healthy and good for you. As a matter of fact everything has a natural origin, where the hell else would it come from? Magic? So it is just a big lie about natural.


matrixmann February 17 2018, 18:12:23 UTC
It would be different if you created some meal or item yourself, just by getting some puree forced into a certain shape and to keep it up. (Much like when you spice minced meat for meatballs ("Bouletten") and get it ready for roasting in the pan.)
But, all that crap, that also goes through factories. It has a very different quality than that. Factories have the whole set of a chemistry lab available to them, which you don't have at home.
And that's why that is pretty much nonsense to think that should be healthy.
These days they can even create some certain sort of flavor by planting bacteria on a piece of wood! Doesn't have much to do then with the taste of some real piece of fruit, but it somehow tastes like that... That is the dimension that is available.
So there is not much talking about "healthy" then...
Not even mentioning the pack of energy that you need to sacrifice in order to create this product from something that naturally doesn't exist in this form that you push it into.
(Addtionally, when talking about drinks made from rice, coconut or almond - if you have to put in vitamins artificially, which milk would contain naturally, just to make humans avoid developing a malnutrition, then what the heck is healthy about this?
Only case where I'd think such stuff has its legitimation is for certain purposes, like when people have real problems to digest lactose, when they suffer from allergies or other metabolic problems which requires them to keep a special diet short of animal products. But this follows some medical purpose then and is like "special food" that exists in order to help a disease not getting worse.)


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