Pioneers, not babblers!

Jul 14, 2017 02:36

People miss guts in this time episode. All feel as courageous to want to join the table, join the discussion and contribute their ideas, but when it comes down to standing out, standing by one's own ideas, risking a head for it and speaking up, defending it, then most of them play the cowards and hide behind the bush. Have a birthday party to organize. A tree to plant. A household shopping to do. Hold back. Try to satisfy the zeitgeist's picture of a good public image. And, above all, try to not to be a leader. Try not to be someone who inspires others, but just who staccatoes down its arguments like a record stuck on replay and who could be stolen from a factory which produces these guys from a mass mold.

networks, menschen, psychology, reform, controversial, system, society

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