School dropout

Jul 05, 2017 01:56

"You think, when you're out of school you're free, sonny? Oh, hell no! Then work life calls for you - and work life is only a continuation of what's been happening in school, only worse and even more strict. What you already were there, you gonna be also in your job life. If you were a loser, a slacker or a victim of your school mates' coping ( Read more... )

menschen, life, education, self development, poverty, society, youth, stupidity, devil in disguise, economy, system

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Comments 14

onb2017 July 5 2017, 13:37:17 UTC
It is just the environment, so the whole structure of society is like that. There is very little compassion when you have to compete for a loaf of bread. And then some contempt of those who are born entitled and think they are the kings. So kind of sad but expected in this world.


matrixmann July 5 2017, 13:42:26 UTC
Nope. Meant totally differently.


onb2017 July 5 2017, 13:51:53 UTC
If meant the opposite, sorry, it is idealism, I stick to materialistic views. Being defines consciousness: you cannot expect different consciousness in these conditions. Just because few individual have does not meant society as a whole can all of a sudden in their head change the way they think and change the objective reality. The other way around: the reality when it gets unbearable will make society, hopefully, change it and then the collective reason will gradually adjust to the new reality. When the economic system changes then the consciousness will too, gradually though.


matrixmann July 5 2017, 14:01:46 UTC
The question rather is: What people do you appeal to? And what people are you talking about?

You remember those kids I told you about which were seriously like "without school, I'd still be as smart as I am"? Which despised the duty to go to school here?
Try applying the saying above to them.


maadmike July 5 2017, 20:04:27 UTC
Interesting conversation but why are you so circled on school? I like my own school times - yes I was sometimes bitten, bullied as all but it is normal practice of Russian social institutes I guess but I remember much more positive things about school days - many friends and I communicating with them now, sport activity, kind and generous teachers, many first experiences, self-growth and many many other things. Institutes times all the same I was bitten but not bullied already. Work times - all the same but not bitten so I don’t see no dramatic here ( ... )


matrixmann July 5 2017, 22:58:16 UTC
It is what I have more connections. Perhaps due to age. All other things I won't name ( ... )


maadmike July 5 2017, 23:30:55 UTC
I agree with you and could add to these your thoughts many my speculations but I say simply that in education, morality base I tend to old religions like Buddhism, Hinduism and they teach a lot.
The problem of yesterday is a slavery the problem of today is stupidity - people wish what they don't need to live happily and are spending so much efforts to be as others - to have this and that and this wrong thinking is driving them to nowadays slavery - debts, jobless, drugs and so on. I like strict logic - you are a man - you need to eat - you have to get some food and so on but not vice versa like you are stupid useless fat old arse - you are in debts, you have to do something (to kill somebody somewhere) and your debts will be reduced little and so on for example... It would be fun if tomorrow people will be born with debts...

BTW with analyzing the contradictions of religions we could get a glimpse of what is real.


matrixmann July 5 2017, 23:49:26 UTC
I just came across an old thought (I think it was an old one) and then it came to me "You know, that's actually not unimportant to note. It's something of a lesson. Many people - youngsters - run around just like the real innocent and think God-knows-what the world holds for them, gives them for free and what their future's gonna look like! And hell what, what a fucking lie that is that they get made believe ( ... )


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