Like after WWII

Apr 18, 2017 10:47

If developing the idea of mixed school year tuition in school even only on a federal level because there are not enough students to fill the year classes, does that mean you're a rich country?

deutsch, kindheit, education, youth, networks, politik, schulden, controversial, economy, system

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Comments 16

onb2017 April 18 2017, 11:48:46 UTC
Tuition for secondary education? In public schools?


matrixmann April 18 2017, 18:13:03 UTC
I don't know how you mean that, but I remember having a hard time myself expressing what is exactly meant in German.
Subject is mixed school lessons of classes differing in school year. Like, you've got a 4th and a 5th grade doing their math lessons together in one class room. The 4th graders getting tasks according to their school year in the subject, the 5th graders getting tasks according to their school year in the subject ( ... )


onb2017 April 19 2017, 03:03:50 UTC
Oh, since I read a lot about college debt, I though by tuition you meant a fee. But you mean curriculum. So, they shrank the curriculum because they don't have money in the budget. Familiar story. Everywhere. By the way I read somewhere about unprecedented budget that Germany allocated to military expenses this year. I don't remember the source now. So it is better to say that it is like before WW III. They have money but for different purposes.


matrixmann April 19 2017, 07:23:58 UTC
No, it's not cutting down curriculum, like stealing school years from you in your education process ( ... )


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