
Mar 04, 2017 09:11

"...Human rights need to be preserved...!"
"Human rights - do you really know what this term means? Do you actually have an imagination in mind what it means when these are taken away from you? Do you fucking know what it means to daily awake in a cell, the guards clinging with their tonfas through the bars all over the jail and the first thing ( Read more... )

male female, education, self development, manipulation, religion, psychology, stupidity, system, menschen, bureaucracy, violence, krieg, politik, controversial, devil in disguise, non-state forces

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Comments 2

onb2017 March 4 2017, 16:02:08 UTC
All these human rights protest are designed to distract from real problems and as I already mentioned the media and the various heralds of propaganda are calling to peaceful protests so populace will march with slogans and go home and it works for both sides. Ones distract population from real stuff, the others will go home satisfied and put a check mark to their agenda and proudly say to themselves something like I have done everything I could and I am so proud of myself. In reality it is a way to divert.


matrixmann March 4 2017, 16:50:33 UTC
That's why I put out some little drastic phrases from time to time...

You know, I fucking realize that so often certain terms flood the media and the news broadcasting, actually it must be no proof of high intelligence to notice it. Terms like "freedom", "human rights", but also negative terms like "right-wing populist", "nationalistic" or "fascistic" are overly present like barely anything in a long time.
And it appears on one as well as on the opposing site.

To me, from the outside, this shit seems so much like people always throw abstract phrases into the air, but they don't even really have any seriously-going association to what it actually means. Or, what it could mean ( ... )


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