
Sep 09, 2016 05:34

These days' youth gets the music it deserves. Uninspired, overly happy twenty-four seven, acting like the world's only a party, thinking there are no obstacles to come in the future - that's something only the rotten meat generation over thirty talks about -, and it's as lame to make you fall asleep - speed is an alien concept to it. While the musicians still manage to come up with a catchy tune, as much as that they're free from talent to deliver ambitious lyrics and an ordinary rhyme. So in the end, what they leave behind is an exceedingly kitschy tune with no message, nothing to dream about and nothing more of than what seems to be one of the negative kinds of ecstasy: The world is colored in rose, all is sunshine and happiness forever and for always, darkness is something that doesn't exist, not even in sound and it better shouldn't. Darkness is a cancer that should be erased ("it fucks up the good mood").

In that point, this youth gets the soundtrack that it deserves and where it's going to end at, one will see.

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menschen, entertainment, education, poverty, music, society, youth, trash, psychology, stupidity, economy, system

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