
Aug 28, 2016 13:45

Why do people make the traditional Muslim dresses a dithering question of "religious freedom" and "culture clash"?
A resolute solution to these questions is rather simple: Treat it with equality.
If it's a trouble in official positions if somebody wears such dresses and pieces of clothes, say: "I don't care if you wear a baseball cap, a cowboy hat, a fishing hat or whatever the fuck - here in this position all people ought to wear no headdresses."
Besides, if authorities are constrained to represent neutrality towards every kind of people, beliefs and political worldviews, then it's not only Muslims that should not wear religious signs, it's also Christians which can't wear a cross while on duty. Or can I wear my goth clothes while serving people in the registry office?
In school, there also used to be a time where I wasn't allowed to wear headdresses, the teacher would take them from me for the class or send me outside and put them into the wardrobe. Sunglasses on - well, if I had a certificate of a doctor saying so that I'd need them. Maybe somebody who's blind they'd never speak up against.
Jackets - only in winter if you said you feel cold. With an ordinary old school teacher - no wearing of your trenchcoat mafia memory dress in class!
So, why the hell screaming out that loud and discussion rounds and rounds about "Are we allowed to touch this? We mess with religion, people!"?
You also hurt the religious feelings of a Jedi if you tell him he can't wear his dress!
But you fucking put him under the term "screwball" and tell him he should integrate to the reality!
Are these feelings less worth than those of a member of a recognized religion?
In political views, it's even worse: Every Marxist gets regarded as "someone who looks at things the wrong way" and as enemy of the state. But let some openly expressing Nazi come, nobody's gonna say a word!
Respect only for those who we want?! What the fucking kind of "human rights activists" are you at all?! You're busy with erecting those dogmas again that your ancestors have been busy with tearing down during the last 100 years!
Some people get witch hunt - some get special protection. Just fucking be honest and tell the world it's not about protecting anyone's feelings about religion or looking at the state of the world, it's about fear, being a coward, and putting back up an age where everything you do is ruled by religions and not by human common sense!
Just fucking tell the world it's about establishing again "those people are different from us, that's why they live seperated from us and they're no part of our class war - they're free to be ignored or killed"!

philosophie, religion, psychology, stupidity, system, menschen, bureaucracy, life, reform, society, networks, history, politik, controversial, devil in disguise, non-state forces

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