Inbuilt to the system

Aug 05, 2016 11:54

Just an alternative way to approach the gender pay gap discussion:

Don't discuss that women don't get paid as much as their male collegues for performing the same job.
Better discuss that in capitalism each man can be paid a different wage than the other for doing the same job - and this is no crime.

networks, male female, psychology, manipulation, controversial, system, economy

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Comments 7

onb2017 August 5 2016, 15:42:04 UTC
So, it is true what you said. Besides they always keep paychecks secret. So nobody is aware.

However, there is still the truth that women are paid less than men. Yesterday I read about, god damn, I forgot what company, maybe Apple?, I need to look it up, so anyway, first of all they had a gender discrimination that they employed more than 70% of men and second they underpay women.And I saw statistics about 0.7 paid to women for each dollar paid to men.


matrixmann August 5 2016, 18:40:10 UTC
Didn't say that it didn't exist. Only the fuzz some people make around it - instead of lamenting around one of these emotional topics where the answer is clear (when being reasonable), they should become aware of the real core point. It seems like almost all of mankind which raise political demands don't understand how capitalism works.
In capitalism an employer can pay you as much as wants, and if it's three times less than what your colleague earns.
Agreements with the labor union may be able to limit this how much an employer can alter your payment from that of your fellow workers, but it doesn't force him to pay one person and another person the same wage.
He can pay you less than another one for whatever reason, whether you're a woman, whether you have children, whether you have a crooked nose or whether he finds you're part of the wrong religion in his eyes.

That is the normal name of the game - and as long as that stays so, they not gonna make any serious progress in that subject.


onb2017 August 5 2016, 19:49:10 UTC
Well, I agree with you on that one. It doesn't matter what gender. It is another social group that is played like fools along with minorities, gays, religious nut cases etc. The real problem is a class of capitalists, at least in 99% of cases.


matrixmann August 5 2016, 20:01:38 UTC
Yes. That's the focus I'd like best to have on it. Because that is the core, the point that makes all these things possible.


red_child August 8 2016, 03:07:32 UTC
Fair pay for fair work is an ideal I notice employers want to claim to. Ir competes with matching pay with position (more responsibility, better income) and the idea that seniority is valued and prodigies for the company's purposes are to be 'bribed' to stay (rewarded for promise ( ... )


matrixmann August 8 2016, 09:18:35 UTC
Hm... I'd think that plays a role too ( ... )


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