Running to scorched lands

Oct 28, 2015 17:20

The problem is: It's not like people are trying to wander into a prosperous country. No, they wander into a country with 3 million officially unemployed, up to 10 million real unemployed, part of them stuck in 400-Euro-jobs and other small-paid activities, part of them stuck in senseless measures to boost their value on the job market to not lose their social benefits, another few million people earning as much that life costs barely leave them capital to spare, to brag or to waste - they wander into a country that finds it unnessecary to do social housing projects while rents hike up for years through speculation in the financial market and sell-outs from the public sector, they wander into a country where 80 million people already share a relatively small place in Europe and the dream of an own house and property already can be considered impossible for everyone, they wander into a country that has billions and trillions for saving banks, but not a million to maintain their railway company or the stations attached to it - they wander into a country that has pretty much made it getting the prosperity gone into the pockets of unknown shady people which nobody knows but control great parts of the economy and they refuse to give a penny back to this society that comes into their factories every day and takes care of that they can go on slouching on a couch.
And that for - that's why being human also has its limits.
No-one gains a thing if one sacrifices himself to death for all the others.
This is not a Hollywood movie and this is not a video game.
There is no hero.

menschen, society, networks, psychology, politik, schulden, economy, system

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