
Oct 22, 2015 09:03

People feel it what's coming.
At the moment, they unbelievingly try to resist to face the recognition. As well as the consequences that it would hold.
There's nothing else they could do except repressing it because, not only would it mean a deviation from their daily habits in a perhaps radical manner, but also finding themselves in a world they're absolutely helpless against.
That for human brain rather prefers to live in a lie and pretend to itself it's moving. To avoid the traumatic consequence it would mean when someone is unable to help or move himself.
And, realistically, this impression of helplessness is even correct.
What can they do at all to stop the big boss powers that form their surroundings from making them sick?
Except for violence executed in a mass-manner there's nothing they could do - because in every other manner these people got the greater resources and the greater selection for choice to hide themselves somewhere from the rage of them.
But violence nobody easily likes to take in as a measure.
Also, it would speak against everything socialization taught them.
So the general issue remains unsolved...
...until the very day where it can't be pushed away anymore.

menschen, life, reform, violence, west vs. east, society, europäische union, europe, psychology, lake, system

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