Political show

Apr 22, 2015 17:24

This one can also be enhanced: http://matrixmann.livejournal.com/124412.html

"Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten." ("No-one has the intention to errect a wall.") is one of the famous quoted examples for political lies about an "inhuman regime" acting against the interests of its own people and locking them in under a doctrine physically and mentally. It was made by Walter Ulbricht, then Staatsratsvorsitzender (chairman of the State Council) and factual acting ruler of the GDR, as far as you can say that on occupied territory.
It was said in a response to a journalist on a press conference that was held on June 15 in 1961.
About a month later, the Wall was errected.

Today one is capable to say, it was straight down a lie what he'd said.
But, no matter his own position, according to the circumstances of the time and the conditions that lead to this action, one gets also capable to say: Even if he did not support it, something would have been done anyway. He was not in the position to lay down any claims or decree any executive actions.
Others were entitled to.

So with historical cases known like this in the back of the mind, one shall come back to political decisions made in the present.
What do you expect? Do you expect anyone to tell you "Yes, we're planning for a campaign."? Do you expect someone to say "Half a year to go, then we will strike!"?
Do you really believe things ain't so while the arming is already in full swing?
What if someone told you that tomorrow "they'll shoot back"?
Would you pack you things or would you just stand there and laugh at him, calling him a fool?
If someone told you openly how it really is you would still consider it to be the most impossible. What do I know than my safe home? It can't be true.

eastern row, deutsch, menschen, strategy, manipulation, violence, society, history, guns, media, psychology, krieg, politik, journalism, system

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