
Jun 15, 2014 18:12

Distraction can be easy.
Sometimes a sport event, sometimes a plane going down - sometimes even a constructed event to keep the minds of the humans busy.
Oh, did you hear this? Oh, did you see that? Person X is an asshole, he evases taxes. That one tried to harm a woman. That one killed his kids. That one tried to raid his school - we need to ban all guns except from army and police. Oh, and did I forget - celebrity A needs a new mate?
It's as easy if some news fall back for that.
Sometimes you don't even need that kind of treatment.
People being busy with their lives, struggling for survival and looking for something to relax can also be enough. Being too tired from caring for their own lives, there's also left no power to care for something else.
In combination with habits of civilization the cure has already taken effect.
Playing video games and watching TV isn't going to save the world.

technology, menschen, strategy, video games, self development, manipulation, violence, guns, media, journalism, economy, system

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