The latest on Sophia "U STOL MI STORIEEE!!!1111" Stewart

Aug 07, 2005 19:44

This just came up on the LJ feed from

The page debunks the myth that she won the case, but this paragraph makes a liar out of whoever started that rumor:

Stewart's case was dismissed in June 2005 when she failed to show up for a preliminary hearing of her case. In a 53-page ruling, Judge Margaret Morrow of the Central District Court of California dismissed the suit, saying Stewart and her attorneys had not entered any evidence to bolster its key claims or demonstrated any striking similarity between her work and the accused directors' films. As of this writing, Stewart's case is no longer before the courts. She has announced that she does not plan to let the matter drop, so possibly this case will someday be re-filed and heard, but for now it is over.

I certainly hope this is the last we hear about her; she was completely anNOYing. Man vs. machine stories have been around for a while, at least since 1928, when the Czechoslovakian playwright Karel Capek (pronounced like "Chop-eck") wrote "R.U.R. [Rossum's Universal Robots]", unless you want to go back further to the legend of the Golem of Prague and Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein". You can't copyright concepts, only the execution.

Funny, Neil Gaiman had a bit about copyrights in his blog a few days ago:

((Cross-posted to my personal LJ and several "Matrix" communities))
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