An essay on the Machines of The Matrix Mythos

Aug 19, 2007 10:45

An Essay about current Matrix happenings and the states of being.  Related to trhe storyline in Matrix Online (MxO)

The Machines could be defined as sort of parasitic.  What the humans and the Machines share in their current state can be called a mutualistic/symbiotic relationship.  Where 1 species benefits from the other, without harm to either of the 2.  At least in theory and in the ideal sense. The Machines have evolved using humans as their main "food" source.  As they have been cut off from the Sun by the stupidity and shortsightedness of the Humans so long ago.  Machines have perfected a system of regrowth and farming human bodies, which they use to sustain their power supply in a darkened world.  The humans are grown and born by their Mechanical hosts, and maintained in vast power plants.  They are kept in a pacified state in pods. And are controlled by their minds with a super sophisticated computer program - The Matrix.  The pod born humans - termed "bluepills", spend their waking lives living in the Matrix simulation.  While outside in the real world their bodies provide the power needed by the Machines to survive.

In the ideal situation Mankind and Machine could benefit greatly from this symbiotic relationship.  Although the freed humans and those free born of Zion and New Zion see this relationship negatively, simply as slavery on a massive scale.  Humans are grown and kept against their free will by the Machines. Merely to be consumed by their captors.  And then the Bluepill humans are simply disposed of carelessly.  Living Human beings are treated like they are objects by the Machines. Like they are merely so many spent batteries.  Only to be flushed out and dumped into the outside world when their usefulness has ended.  This parasitic and callous treatment of human beings outrages those who where freed from the Matrix and the Power plant. It really comes to a battle of will and survival of the 2 species.  The Machines and the Humans are the top 2 dominant species left on the planet. They constantly fight a never ending battle for survival.  So far the Mechs seem to have the upper hand in most situations.  As their vast numbers and brute force with superior weaponry and technology can overpower Zion's small forces quite easily.  But human will, free spirit, and our tenacity has kept us from being completely wiped out by the Machines.  Thus a never we are mired in a never ending ending war.

Not all freed humans see things the way Zion has tried to tell them.  Those ppl are known as Machinists.  They gained a higher understanding of the situation and actually strive to aide the Machines.  As long as our basic survival is still assured.  The machines seem to accept this line of logic fairly well.  As it is much more beneficial than fighting with the utter loss of life and supplies.  Most Machinists believe in a "live and let live" policy.  And the protection of our people connected to the Matrix is of utmost importance.  These people are innocents, oblivious to the war being fought around them for their freedom. These Bluepills live out their lives fairly decently and happily in an oblivious, but living state.  They need protection from overly zealous Zionites and some independent, exile Programs which live inside the Matrix itself (The Merovingian - being an example).   It is all part of the bigger picture.  Most Machinists would like to preserve the constant of Choice.  The 1% of bluepills who's minds reject the Matrix and are allowed to awaken in their pods.  They should be allowed to leave the power plant freely and pursue their new lives in Zion.  If they choose to do so.

However, Zion and the creation of a New Zion by extremist groups of freed humans, has led to feelings of betrayal by the Machines.  The One - Neo, ultimately sacrificed himself to defeat a threat to both Machine and mankind presented by the rouge viral program Smith. This instigated a Truce between Humans and Machines - a stalemate of sorts.  Zion was allowed to free the 1% of awakened humans and take them into their underground city to start new, free lives.  But the actions of the Zionites and extremist Zionites have broken the Truce.  And as a consequence, the Machines have ceased their preservation of the Truce.  Of course not all is our fault.  The Machines constantly have a need of absolute control, and their meddling in Zion's affairs and dis-allowance of another free human city to be made has led to resentment and outrage by Zion.

So the war between out species has been rein-acted.  As a dedicated Machinist, I see this as blind fear and stupidity on Zion's part.  They do not realize or care to see the whole picture.  Or realize that a symbiotic/mutual existence with our Machine counterparts is the ideal for both of us.  Zion continues to fight and free Bluepill humans as they see and need to end what they define as slavery.  This can only lead to their utter destruction and puts The System of The Matrix and it's innocent ppl at great risk.  Freeing all the Bluepills - sometimes against their will, can only lead to our extinction.  If the Truce can somehow be reestablished, then in time we will see the benefits humans can gain as semi-cybernetic life forms.  We are not "slaves" if we choose not to be.  The millions living in the Matrix peacefully live out their lives as they did long before all this conflict between man and machine happened.  The are innocents, born and maintained freely in the only world that they know.  The 1% of humans that reject The Matrix system should have the choice to leave if they so desire.  It is wrong on the part of the  Machines to keep these ppl against their wills.  But unless a Truce can be reestablished somehow - more innocent lives will be lost.

As for the sentient Programs that exist within the Matrix alongside the Bluepill humans.  That is another matter that will be discussed later.

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