(no subject)

Dec 23, 2005 10:51

A friend posted about finding most of a word document on her parents' computer she had thought lost in a hard drive crash. This reminded me of a habit I have of leaving stuff in odd places to be found later. For example, I like coats with lots of pockets, and I put little ticket stubs or small photos in the little pockets, then forget about them when the coat gets hung up. Later, when I take that coat back out for the season, I am rifling through the pockets and discover these little time capsules. It happens with suitcases and backpacks as well.

Here, I'll go through the coat I brought to work with me. Ok, one pocket has a receipt for a Christmas gift I bought someone last week. No time capsule there. Another pocket has a notice about a team building exercise Jen's work had in November. The importance here, though, is the phone number on the back for a woman who was calling about a dog we found wandering the streets the weekend before Thanksgiving. See? A memory, right there. And, a third pocket has...ok, it has a throat lozenge. It looks pretty ancient, I'd better toss it out. Moving along, the fourth and fifth pockets are empty. They don't actually close, so I don't put much in them. Well, nothing too exciting, but this is a newer coat (birthday gift last January). I should do this again when I am wearing my leather jacket. Or I could pull my jean jacket out of the back of the closet. Jen hasn't let me wear that in years, I'm sure it would have some nifty stuff in the pockets.

funny, nostalgia

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