Ouch... that hurt you might say...

Jul 21, 2005 20:49

Weeelll today was interesting you might say. I went biking with my friend Jeremy and when i got to the top of the hill, I was in 1 : 1 gear, so I peadeled REALLY hard because I forgot i was in 1 : 1 gear. My foot slipped off the pedal and cut myselt REALLY bad on my front sprokets. It looked like some animal slashed me with its claws. I bearly coasted down the hill and when i looked at my leg it looked really bad. I checked my sprockets and there were little bits of flesh on them (eeeewwwww). Simply for your viewing pleasure I will post the image so u guys can see what it looked like befor it was stiched up. I went to doctors on duty and I got 12 stiches in my leg, as well as a tetnis shot (ouch!!!). I guess that kills my backpacking trip ( ='( <= sad face). Tomorrow im gonna come down and see you guys so u better be there so i can say hi. Here is the picture for your viewing pleasure:


Gross eh?

Call me crazy for taking a picture but it somehow made sense at the time..


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