EFCO: Week One Ends

Nov 04, 2005 06:45

Tim's been there a week as of today. He'll be working tomorrow morning, too, as they're on mandatory overtime and his supervisor forgot to mention it Monday, so he was "late" Tuesday. It won't go against him since he didn't know. (The overtime is fiscally very good for us right now.)

He shaved off his beard and mustache the other day, and I'm finally getting used to seeing his face all nakedy. It's a little weird, of course, since he's ALWAYS had at least the mustache, and usually a goat or full beard. He's got to shave every single day, too, because his beard grows in FAST. It's a little like kissing someone new! heh heh Feels a little weird, but I'll get used to it.

It was either shave it off, or keep inhaling paint. The mask wouldn't seal around his nose with the mustache there, so his nostrils were filling up with the paint.

He's doing great, everyone loves him, and he'll be moving to third shift soon (this week was "training", which he didn't really need much of since he painted for a decade before going to driving). The third shift will have him working overnight, but that'll work fine for us. While he's working, I'll sleep. While he's sleeping, I'll work, and that'll put us together in the time we're both not working or sleeping. Smart, eh?

Plus, the third shift gets better pay, and we can definitely use the money.

He's dealing with some health stuff right now, too. He's on antibiotics for a week, and hopefully it'll work to clear up the low-grade infection he's got in his UT and possibly backed up into his kidneys. He's got pain from it, but that should clear up in another day or so as the antibiotics kick in and kill the bacteria. Having had the same type of infection myself a few times, I know exactly how he feels, and it isn't fun. I'd be curled up in fetal position crying were it me. I know that. The first signs that the meds are working happened last night, and hopefully he'll keep getting better and it'll just go away and leave him alone.

So, that's week one. Almost all good news. Financially, I'm still stressing out, but next Friday we'll be able to catch up the bills for this week and hopefully we'll be back on top of everything in a couple weeks. Tonight, I'll go borrow a little money from Dad. We're broke. I hate to borrow, but we need smokes and gas. The bills will just have to wait another week.


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