Sick of being tired, tired of being sick.

Nov 03, 2005 06:36

Every year, about this time, it starts.

The allergies, in full-on crap mode since late August will leave me wide open to whatever it is that decides to go around. My lungs and chest will, by the end of October, be sore just from the "mild" asthma issue that will not end, not until Spring, anyway. I'll probably get the flu at some point, which will morph into either chronic bronchitis or pneumonia.

With the onset of cool weather, the sciatica and the arthritis will begin to flare up. Not that they weren't present over the summer, but heat does reduce their effect on me. Cold weather brings out their "best". The parts of me that aren't directly affected will soon be sore from overcompensation for the parts that are, so by the end of November, I'll walk entirely like a ruptured duck, everything I own will ache and I'll personally be keeping the makers of Aleve in business.

This year we get to add a bad toenail, which I've been treating with tea tree oil, to the mix. I don't know what I did to this nail, as it has been weird for a long time now, but this year it decided to get worse, and so I've been cutting it nearly all the way off and treating the nailbed. It appears to be helping, but it is slow going.

And, the kidneys are being a pain, too. I'm doing what I need to do to keep them flushed and prevent stone formation, but they're acting funky and I don't like it.

Oh, and my girly bits don't work right, either. I'm currently cycling without actually having a period, but when it returns, I'm sure it'll be another round of hemorage, so back on the Depo, which stops the periods entirely, but puts weight on me.

So, let's see, sinuses, throat, lungs, chest, back, kidneys, female parts, hips, hands, feet, ankles all giving me fits right now. Good gravy. I want this crapola to quit. I need to get a job, and there's simply no way to start one right now. If I do, I'll be taking sick days right off the nut, and that doesn't wash too well with employers.

The funny part? Other than the health stuff, I'm happier than I've ever been in my adult life. Even the health stuff isn't greatly negatively impacting me, I just want it to stop so I can be that much happier! I want to be able to keep up with Tim physically. I want to be able to hike in the winter woods, and right now, I can't walk up the street without my lungs screaming at me, thanks to the allergy-induced asthma crap. None of the meds for allergies that I've tried seem to work too well for me, except for Benedryl, which does work, but at a high cost. I pass out, get constipated and can't function for at least a day after I take it. So, I don't take it if I can avoid it. The Aleve I take only when I can't force my way through the physical pain. It thins my blood, which makes the female problems worse, and that's not a great idea. The easiest thing to tend to is the kidney/UT issues, which just demand cranberry juice, and ample hydration.

*sigh* I'm just bitching, really. There's not a lot anyone can do about the stuff that I need to cope with. Even the doctors over the years have been pretty baffled by it all and haven't ever found a good, long-term solution to any of it.

Okay, done bitching.

self, healing

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