More housekeeping...

Oct 11, 2005 10:43

Just hauled four boxes, one large and three small, out to the car, full of shoes, clothes, etc. that I don't want or need anymore. I'll buzz them up to the thrift shop in a bit.

Next, to move the sewing stuff I found in the bedroom yesterday to the sewing room.

Tomorrow I'll run the box of heavy metal albums to the record shop to sell, the other box to the other record shop and sell them, then I'll begin working on listing the Beatles, Zep and Hendrix albums on eBay. Might also photograph and list the blouses and stuff I make, and run my stuff off eBay over the winter. It would give me something to do to earn money that involves working towards our goal of making a living off of this stuff instead of working for other people.

My bedroom is nearly devoid of boxes of crap finally. Still have a box of Betty Paige stuff to get rid of, along with some early '80s porn (three Oui mags that I didn't know were in that box). Not sure what I'll do with that stuff yet. I'll donate the art books to the library, I think. Maybe. I'm seeing progress, and that's what counts. I'm working hard to get rid of the clutter. When I'm done, I will repaint my bedroom. I want it to finally feel like MY space, instead of that generic feel that it currently has.
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