Jul 11, 2010 11:43
Well, folks, it finally happened.
My beloved XBox 360 Red Ringed today. It was actually one of the sadder things I've witnessed in my life. *sniffle* I want to make a Red Dead Redemption joke about it, but since there's a chance someone on here may not have beaten it and the joke WOULD be spoilerific, I'll refrain..
So yeah. That was a sad start to the day. I'll lose my console and the Rock Band 2 sticker that adorns it. Double blow.
At least the MS rep was super helpful. Apparently some very nice guy named Henry was helping me out of a call center in Oregon. This was awesome cause he had absolutely zero accent so if he did fit the stereotypical call center demographic, I certainly couldn't tell by listening!
Oh well. At least it's 7/11 and that means free Slurpees. Maybe that'll cheer me up.