EDIT: Appologies to those who had to suffer my APPAULINGLY bad post, ALL IT WAS WAS ONE FREAKING SPACE IN THE LJ FRIENDS CODE that i left out!!! STUPID!! Oh and am i the only one who DETESTS these stupid little links that LJ makes to things like...web pages or key words?
As well as yoinking this from
furry_yuri Click to view
And to say that i have received my new replica helmet from ebay for my airsoft kit as well as the Glock 18C i bought from one of the team mates of Team Easy whom i have yet to actually play a game with. BUT SOON I PROMISE!!
Aside from that, the tunneling client i use for getting to such joys of entertainment such as Counter Strike:Source and my torrenty goodness is being a shit so i cannot actually connect for more than a few minutes before it just dies like an ebola infected cow. (the possibilities of such i do not know, but anythign is possible if you believe in it hard enough)
Yay to friends, old and new, furmeet last weekend was not as good as i wanted it but i still had fun, despite my brain deciding to be several hours behind current events and the severe breakdown between my cerebral cortex and my mouth and lips preventing me from maintaining a suitable level of conversation that i am usualy accustomed to!! So appologies to those who i seemed to be a little bit 'special' to that day :P
Other than life a college being rather normalish, my lack of starting work and motivational factors seeming to be rather slim right now, there is this
Horrorfestonline.com which looks HOMGAZING!! Unfortunately, it is only in the good ol US of A, so us over in the muddy isles dont get to join in on the screams and gore :( a pity as it looks like a lot of fun.
So to those of you who can, go and see it and tell me what it is like and if i should invest in the movies advertised therein.
I am also on a self goal to not swear so much, as i have noticed that words of profanity do escape thy tender lips far too often (as he says knowing full well he is being a highly hyppocritical bastard :P)
For those of you who i know in student halls, GIVE THIS A TRY www.vpnnetwork.co.uk set and hosted in bonney Scotland and seems to do wonders for getting in and around those pesky college asshat firewalls!! (Seriously, i could murder the administrators here with so many imaginative and variable ways that the coroners would have a field day to find out who is where and what piece is clogging up the aircon system and the true secret of Wally's wearabouts!!)
So enough of my VERY random finger splatterings across my keyboard (no i am not drunk inebreiated or in any way hindered from normal mind functions of any sort) and i bid thee goodnight and would SOMEONE......Please buy me a winning lottery ticket :3...i'll split it with you...honest :D