Oct 03, 2007 23:11
Well, I have been given my marching orders today. I am flying back to the UK on Sunday, leaving here at lunch time. Arriving in the UK at 0625 AM.....so who wants to meet me for coffee or breakfast? :P
Good god i can only imagine the traffic i am going to encounter on my trip back to Essex.
So as my time in the country that is so badly SCREWED draws closer to ending, i still only have a few things for people back in the UK, there is absolutely NOTHING in the shops that i would be able to bring back that would be worthwhile as i can find it. and anything that i do bring back is going to be somethign i could find there. appart from the biltong. I am going to find out if i can get my hands on some biltong to bring back, as well as a few other things.
Other than that i am slightly sad that i have to go, leaving friends and family in this place. it really is a shit hole.
Well i do have something of a little pride to boast about. I managed to read a book in 2 days. Now i normally take absolutely AGES to read, i managed to read The Davinci Code in 2 days. And wow what a book. And the implications that if something that monumentous were to be true.
Well i am gonna finish watching the movie and then go to bed as i have a lot to do tomorrow.